Monday, February 1, 2010

Detox Your World-Spring Jumpstart!

Great news!

As many of you know, I have been working for awhile on putting together a group cleanse/detox! Originally, it was going to be for the new year but it just did not feel right... something about the new year hype, false promises and failed resolutions had me not wanting to be a part of that marketing overload!

And then February came along, but with super-duper cold temps and snow, it did not seem like the best time to roll out and now...low and behold Spring is right around the corner!

Its so close I can almost taste it!

So here it is, finally!

A Spring Jumpstart, Kick-Off, Renewal!

Its time to DETOX your world!

Back by popular demand, I am bringing back the Ejuva(one of the deepest herbal systems used for cleansing, if you are unfamiliar see You asked , you receive!

Since I've moved to hosting my "Lifestyle" classes, many of you have missed that twice a year or once a year deep cleansing that works miracles on the physical level but indeed does go beyond that and allows for restoring and balancing more of a spiritual, mental and emotional transformation as well!

If you are looking to jumpstart the spring season then join us for this 28 day transformational detox of your world!

This cleanse is for newbies and advanced. You can always go deeper with the ejuva being the nature of how it is developed! The ejuva is one of the easiest , most effective cleanses and can be done at various levels based on where your needs are. This is not meant to be intense, turn your life upside down and get you sick type of cleanse, it is a slow, gentle process that you can manage based on how you feel & what's happening with your body! Ejuva is also one of the highest end products on the market today, known as the "Cadillac of cleanses", it is the most pure, most potent and most powerful I've seen to date without being habit forming, gripping or full of inorganic materials.

Clean out the internal cob webs and dust yourself off for feeling really great plus:

-Reduced cravings, bloating , gas
-Improved digestion
-Weight management
-Increased energy
-Better mindset and mood
-Overall more positive outlook on life
& more!

I will walk you through every step of the way.

This is an exclusive opportunity as I will be working with you the whole month personally!
Spaces are limited as the groups are kept small.
Now is your chance to be supported & motivated to get through the 28 day transformation!

Here's the details-
We will be spinning it up going forward...

Instead of meeting each week LIVE , we will do most of the support calls via tele-class.
This allows for people to have a flexible schedule and can participate from their own home.
(CALLS WILL BE RECORDED, so if you cannot make the calls , no worries, you will be sent recorded audio that evening to listen to at your leisure)

The dates for the first DETOX your World begins March 1st(or optional Feb 27th if local)

1st session
Saturday-FEB 27th- 3pm CST LIVE kick-off( if you are local and prefer to meet for live for the 1st session)-event will be held at a private residence on the North side-address given at time of registration
Monday-March 1st- 8pm CST tele-class- VIRTUAL kick-off( if you are at the LIVE event, you can also be at this event if you have questions, more support, etc)

2nd session
Monday-March 8th-8pm CST tele-class

3rd session
Monday-march 15th-8pm CST tele-class

4th Session-
March 22nd-8pm CST tele-class

5th Session-Celebration
March 29th-8pm CST tele-class

Each event will be information, protocol, motivation and Q & A.

Here's the levels & packages for enrollment:
NOTE-This is the introductory price/package, join today as this program will be going up in the next series.

$299-JUST ejuva kit by itself( a $325 value)
this is meant to be done on your own with no instruction.

Basic Package-
$359- includes ejuva kit plus LIVE kick-off (if local) & all program tele-classes that include instruction, protocol, Q& A and support. ( a $425 value)
plus added value of unlimited email support with Lisa during month

Premier Package-
$399-includes ejuva kit plus LIVE kick-off (if local) & all program tele-classes that include instruction, protocol, Q& A and support AND one LIVE cooking/food prep work shop with recipes designed to support cleanse( a $480 value)
plus added value of unlimited email support with Lisa during month

NOTE-Cooking/ Food prep class individually $55 in advance for 3 hour workshop
(for more info see the flavor and savor cooking class on this blog)

NOTE-Tele-class series by itself-$99
(for those that already have ejuva kit or are buying on their own)

SPACE is limited and a few are already reserved!
To ensure a spot register no later than Sunday Feb. 21st.

Payment plans will be accepted for both basic package and premier package

for Basic Package, must reserve space by Monday Feb 15th with deposit of $200.
remaining $165 to be charged on credit card on Feb 26th($6.00 surcharge)

for Premier Package, must reserve space by Monday Feb 15th with deposit of $244.
remaining $165 to be charged on credit card on Feb 26th($10.00 surcharge)

To reserve space via credit/debit directly, call Lisa Persico @ 312-543-3735
or email at I will accept payment info over phone and ring on secure system.

Please feel free to call me with any questions.

I look forward to "de-thawing" with you as we celebrate winter into Spring!


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